About the Book

Naughty in Pink

From the day of her birth, Daisy Dikdocks has ‘Pinkitis’—a condition which spells out a life as Naughty in Pink. With her clever mind and expressive face, she is a challenge to all those in authority, including her mum, never quite disobeying but finding ways to create mayhem wherever she goes. Her special friends love her naughty attitude and her ability to think up funny pranks and clever tricks that she performs on their teachers. Her mischief at school and outside makes life exciting and fun for all of them when Daisy is around.Her school principal, Sister Thelma, believes that Daisy is leader of a gang that is causing all the trouble at school. She is resolved to outwit Daisy, discover the gang and stop all the nonsense with the threat of a single large bottle marked ‘SLIME’ on her desk. But will she be able to link Daisy to the havoc at the school? Or will Daisy be able to outwit her principal and preserve her gang of special friends?


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